Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 168
ABBVILLE, the town of, taken by the French forces under fir Hugh de Chatillon, L 79^*
Aberdeen, the • bifhop of, taken prifonef by the Englifh at the battle of Nevil's Croft, I. 346-
Achery fur Aim, the town of, in Picardy, taken by the Englifh under fir Euftace d'Am-breticourt, I. 540.
Achievement at arms, between the lord de la Rochfoucault and fir William de Montferrant, at
Bourdeaux, III. 354. Acquigny, the caftle of, taken by the lord de la Riviere, I. 640.
Acquitaine, the country of, conquered from the Englifh by the earl of Lifle, I. 149.—Given to the duke of Lancafter by Richard IL and his council, IV. 404*
Acquitaine, the towns of, fend ambaf&dors to England, to remonftrate againft the gift made of the ducby to the duke of Lancafter, IV. 416.—Succeeded in the objeâ of their re-monftrance, ib. 435.
Additions to the printed copies of Froiffart's Chronicles, from MSS. in the Hafod Library, I. 38a. II. 149 note, 400. 478 note, 480 note, 486. IV. 3o8. 290. 594.
Africa, the town of, befieged by the duke of Bourbon, IV. 206.—The fiege aban-doned, »37.
Agace, Gobin, conducts the Englifh army under king Edward III. to a ford on the Lomme,
at Blanchetaque, previous to the battle of Crecy, I. 317. Agen, the town of, taken by the French army under the duke of Anjou, IL 48. Aide, the nature of the tax fo called, explained, I. 75» note.
Aiguillon, the caftle of, in Gafcony, furrenders to the earl of Derby, I. a66«—Befieged by
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