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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 156
ly virtue of Salvage's teftimony, they muft be received as two different ones.
The author and compiler of the whole work is John de Courtiis. His own work goes only as fer as vol. i. leaf 170. ; from the 171ft leaf, indeed, he has ufed Robert Gaguin, but only in part, whilft in vol. in. he has tranferibed much from Froiflart ; but afterwards he has no more ufed Gaguin verbatim. What now concerns the troubles at Paris in the above mentioned fragment, 1388, was particularly printed, with the text from* Froiflart, with the notice from the Mer des Hiftoircs de Gaguin ; fo the paflage in this Mer des hift. et des cron. de France, vol. iv. fol. 53. b. fol. 54. a. which alfo Daniel, a. a. O. has followed, belongs indeed to this place; but fuch fragment deviates remarkably from this French text, and is truly a verbal tranflation from ROB. GAGUINI Compendio fuper Francorum geftis, Paris, 1504, fmail folio, fbl. 98. k fol. 99. a. alfo in the Library. Hence I have before me three different accounts of this fingle tranfaftion : 1. Froiflart's in Sauvage's edition ; iL in the Compendio Gaguini and tranflated, printed feparafcely; 3. in dûs Mer des hift. et da cron* de, France.
Le Long, p. 388, N. 7754. notices two editions: 1. two volumes m folio, by du Pré, 1514, 1516 ; 2. the prefent in four volumes in folio, the very fame, 1517, 1518. He calls the author J. de Courtiis, and quotes the paflàge from the preface,—« J'ay ftimulé et enardi l'entendement du tien ferviteur Jean de CourtUs,' &c. which notice, however, might fignify juft fo much as that John de C. has inftigated John de C. if we did not read in the preface'itfelf, that John de C. fpeaks of himfelf in the perfoh of Mercury. Le Long further mentions, that the author declares to have undertaken his work at the command of Anne of Bretagne ; but I And no word in the preface concerning this Anne, although I have read it feveral times. He further notices, L that p. 271. vol. i. of the fecond edition, commences another work, entitled, * De la Source et de l'Origine des François, des Faits et Geftes des Roys de France :' 2. that this was taken from the Mer des Croniques jufqu' au règne de Charlemagne : 3. thence to the reign of Charles VIII. from the third edition of the Grandes Chroniques de France : 4. that du Chefhe has given this work the name
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