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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 140
^complains concerning it, that he has not been able to ufe the valuable Trench original, as he calls it. It certainly is beautiful, like all books 'from the printing-office of de Tournes, or in Latin Tornsefii. Sauvage "has prefixed to each volume a dedication to the duke of Montmorencî, peer and conftable of France. Ift the firft, he relates what diligence was employed by him on the Annales de France* of Nicolas Gilles, and on the Mémoires de THiftoire de fon Temps of M. d'Argenton f, of which together with Froiflart, that he had availed himfelf in his Deduction de PHiftoire générale des Gaules et du Royaume de France ; but that fince he found that Froiflart had been falfified, and indeed very miferably, he had wHhed to employ upon him a greater diligence. This he has a&ually done, of which the copious critical and explanatory notes in the margin and at the end of each volume give manifeft evidence. Therefore the judgment of John le Laboureur, in Le Long, pu 368. Fabricius, p. 5534. and Freytag, p. 343. may be thought very ftrange : 4 D. S. qui a remis fous la prefle plufieurs anciens livres ; ET plufknrs autres, qui ont travaillé après lui, ONT plutôt DISGRACIE qu* ïllufirénôtre hi/hire, et n* ont fervi qu% à rendre les originaux et les premiers editions plus rares et plus chères, des vieilles «chroniques, de Flandres, de Froiflart, de Monftrelet, de Philippe de 'Comines, de Joinville, et d'autres excellents hiftoriens? We find nothing more of the circumftances of Sauvage's life in the Univerfid Scholar's Lexicon than what appears in the title of the edition of Froiflart; and that he had tranflated fundry works from the Latin and Italian, revifed «Gilles, Froiflart (Cominseus is wanting) alfo edited a compofition unknown* de la Chronique de Flandre %, les Mémoires d'Olivier de 4a Marche §, J'HMtoire de Francion {a romance), and feveral more; referring to le -Croix du Maine Bibliothèque de France.
Sauvage appears to me to deferve both exeufe and blame; the former, • as he has given himfelf much trouble to publifh, according to his own judgment, from more ancient editions and other fources, a better text;
* Le Long, p. S7S. *
f Of the much-celebrated Philip de Comnet, or Cominxi, Le Long, j. 382, *» 4 P-808. § P?87a.
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