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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 87
cTone By the furtherance of my lord high counfellor K. ZoHner, in Berlin,, who has publifhed my plan in the firft part of his Letters on Sileia, page 135 to 143. As many may have read thefe, fo it is to me fo much the more agreeable that I can thereby correét parts of it which are falfe,. partly through disfigured fentences, which were drawn up a year previous to the deceafe. of my uncle and * predecefibr» reéfcor Arlet, the 25th January 178% and afterwards werrdifperfed in letters,-and. by verbal: communications.
This Rehdigerian Library cannot be called the Elifabethian Church* Library, though it be likewife kept over the veftry room, hard, by the chapel of this metropolitan church ; confequently the edifice alone,, fpeaking generally, may be ftyled Elifabethian.. This laft is a fchooL library belonging to the Elifabethian. College, of whklr the manufcripts,. booksr medals, produ&ions of nature and art,, by confiant exhibition, and ufe in public hours of inftruâion, and alfo lending^ out,. fometimes* return worn out.and damaged; though a.while fince, one of the three, regular proféfïbrs at the univerfity was: appointed its infpeâor. -But: it has been ordered, according to the lafl will of its Founder and all his, beneficent fucceffors, particularly. my uncles, for a public .library, common* to the whole town, equally, with, thofe at the two other, cathedral churchest of St Mary- Magdalene and St Bernard, in the New Town. Its kfpe£fcor is, chofen by the magiftrate on oath..
It is-open on Wednefdays and Saturdays (as-that at St-Mary Magdalene's, onTuefdays anéFridaySiand that at St Bernard's on Mondays andThurfdays), from 3 to 5 o'clock.in the:afternoon. Its.curiofities are,fought.for, and upon, occafions exhibited. Upoa the fpot books may be read, and extra&s made, from them. Every fcholar of the place, or otherwife refpe&able inhabitant,, may obtain, under proper regulations, the loan of books: the like is alfo granted to foreign fcholars, yet with the. explicit confent of the magiftrate,* and under the neceflàry fecurity..
hk this place f mud mention, that fome have haftily fketched many* things concerning it, or rather its whole hiftory, either from unfaithful, memory, after a vifit, at the moft, of two hours, or borrowed them from, ' a book as haftily read, without deriving the leaft information, from more
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