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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 17
'Wtt'tiot to" his tafte. He laid greater ftrefs on the generality of die lord dt la Riviere and the count de Sancerre, who accompanied the duchefs of Berry, and on that of the vifcount d'Afci. He reprefents himfelf, in this . poem, as a man of much expenfe : befides the revenue of the living of Leftines, which was confiderable, he had received, fince he was twenty-five years old. two thoufand francs, of which nothing remained. The collections ' for his work had coft him feven hundred francs, but he regretted not this
• expenfe ; for, as he fays, * I have compofed many a hiftory which will be fpoken of by pofterity.f The remainder was fpent among the tavern keepers at Leftines and in his travels, which he always performed with a
-good equipage, well mounted, well drefled, and living well wherever he went.
FroifTart had been prefent at all the feafts which were given on the
• marriage of the duke of Berry, and celebrated the eve of Whitfuniay at Riom in Auvergne. He compofed a paftoral for the morrow of the -nuptials; and returning to France with the lord de la Riviere, he went to Paris. His natural aéfcivity, and his ardour for information, which
Jnceflàntly occupied his mind, did not permit him to remain there long. We have feen him in fix months go from the Biaiibis to Avignon, then to the county of Foix ; whence he returned again to Avignon, crofting Auvergne to go to Paris. He was in lefs than two years fucceffively in the Cambrefis, in Hainault, Holland, Picardy, a fécond time in Paris, at the extremity of Languedoc ; then again at Paris, and at Valenciennes ; whence he went to Bruges, Sluys in Zealand, and at laft into his own - country.
He accompanied the lord de Coucy into the Cambrefis to the caftle of Crevecœur, which the king had juft given to him,—to whom he related all he had feen,—and learnt from him the different particulars of the negotiations
-between France and England.
After having ftaid fifteen days in his own country, he pafied a month in Holland with the count de Blois, entertaining him with the hiftory of
his travels. He then went to Leulinghen, to learn the details of the .negotiations for peace which were earning on at that place, and was jxtkat at the magnificent entry of Jfabela of Bavaria into Paris. Thje
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