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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 9
conclufion from a preface which is found at the head of the fourth volume in feveral manufcripts of the Chronicle of Froiflart ; and as it is not to be
• found.k the printed:copies VI thought the infcrtion of it would not be . improper here.
. * At the requéft, wifh arid pleafureof that moft high and noble prince, rixiy very dear lord and patron Guy de Châtillon, count de Blois, lord of Avêne, • of Chimay, • of Beaumont, of Schonoven, of Gouda,—I John
• Froiflart, prieft, chaplain to my very dear lord above named, and at this
-time treafurer and canon of Chimay, and of Lille in Flanders, am again
^awakened, and entered into my ftudy, to labour and work at die grand and noble matters that, in former times, occupied my attention, which treat of and difplay the feats and events of the wars between France and England,
- and their allies and adherents, as they clearly appear from the treaties which .have been made and completed until this very day of my again being
« awakened.
c Now, you who read, have read, or (hall read this hiftory, confider ' in your own minds how I could have known and colleâed the fa&s of
• which I treat, concerning fa many different parties. In truth, I muft inform you that I began my coleétions at the early age of twenty years, and came into the world at the time thefe events were palling, in the knowledge of •which I have always taken greater picafure than in any thing elfe. God ; has been fo gracious to me that I was weE with all parties, and of the houfehold of kings; more efpecially of king Edward's and his noble queen's, the lady Philippa of Hainault, queen of England, lady of Ireland and of Acquitaine, to whom in my youth I was fècretary, and amufed her -with gallant ditties and madrigals of love. Through affeétton to that noble and puiflant lady to whom 1 belonged, all the other great lords, dukes, earls, -barons and knights, of whatever nation they might be, loved me, faw me with pleafure, and were of the greateft fervice to me. Thus, under the
• M. de St Palaye it not quite coma ; for the beginning of this preface is in the printed edition of Venind, and in another printed edition which I bdie?c was not known to Denys Sauvage • t M. de St Palaye. It will be more particularly mentioned hereafter. The preface in my printed editions is not fo long as this, and fomewhat different* It k not noticed in the editions of Dcnys Sauvage. -
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