Armour & Weapons
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Aiguillettes, 38, 41. Ailettes, 35, 36. Aketon, 23.
Albrecht, Harnischmeister,
horse-armour of, 91. Almain rivets, 59; suits of,
63·· Anelace, 103.
Angellucci, 011 horse armour, 90.
Arbalest, à cric, 108 ; a tour, ib.
Arciones, 90.
Arraet, earliest use in Eng-land, 83 ; parts of, 60, 82.
Armin, 104.
Arming-doublet, 61.
Arming-points, 38.
Armour : allowance for wear and tear, 98 ; convenience in use of, 55 ; details of construction of, 56 ; en-graved, 40 ; essential points in its manufacture, 48 ; fastenings of, 56 ; for tour-naments reinforced on left side, 55 ; heavier on left side, 76 ; inconvenience of, 63, 81 ; last official use of, 98 ; making of, 65 ; method of putting on, 62 ; puffed, 92 ; reason for increased weight, 97 ; testing of, 52 ; wearing of, 61.
Armourers, names of, 66 ; workshop, 65.
Ascham, Roger, Toxopkilus, 107.
Ashmolean Museum, pavis
at, 84. Astley, Life of Sir J., 62. August, Herzog, armour of,
Auray, Battle of, 81. Austin, Will., 69.
Bainbergs or beinbergs, 36. Balthasin, Galliot de, 64. Bamberg, wooden figures at, 23.
Banded mail, 20.
Barding, 89.
Barrel helm, 25, 26.
Bascinet, 39 ; of Henry VIII, proof marks on, 55 ; ' pig-faced,' 42 ; precursor of salade, 82.
Baselard, 103.
Bases, 77 ; of steel, 75.
Battle-axe, 107.
Bayeux Tapestry, 19, 23, 24,
26, 87, 106. Bayonet, 106.
Beauchamp effigy, 69 ; pageants, 66.
Beavor, 82 ; derivation of, 64.
Berardi, Gulielmus, monu-ment of at Florence, 36.
Berlin Zeughaus, 34.
Besague, 39, 68.
Bill, 103.
Black Prince, effigy of, 39 ; gauntlets of, 33 ; helm of, 41 ; jupon of, 40 ; shield of, 46.
Blore, Monumental Remains, 69.
Boeheim, Wendelin, Waffen-kvnde, 21, 65.
Bossoirs, 90.
Bracer, 107.
Brayette, 62, 93 (note).
Breast- and back-pieces, fastenings of, 59 ; dis-carded, 98.
Breech of mail, 62.
Bregander nayles, 33.
Brescia, Battle of, on Visconti monument at Pavia, 90. .
Brigandine, 16, 30, 66.
Brussels, horse cuissard at,
91. Buffe, 83.
Burgkmair, Hans, Weisskunig,
65, 70. Burgonet, 83, 97. Burgundian horse armour in
Tower, 91. Burgundy, enriched salade of
Duke of, 82.
Cabasset, 83.
Calverley, Sir H.,at Battle of Auray, 81 ; monument of, 40.
Carnai], 38, 41. Cantle, 90.
Cap worn under helm, 27. Carnet, 42: Oervellière, 28. Chain-mail harmed by rain, 25·
Chamfron, 89. Chapel-de-fer, 82. Charlemagne, armour of, 15. Charles I, armour of, 96, 98.
Chartier, Jean, describes
horse trappings, 87. Chaucer, 33, 34, 36, 61. Chausses, 24. t
Chaussons, 24.
Christ Church, Oxford, win-dow at, 29.
Christian II, enriched armour of Elector, at Dresden, 91.
Chroniques de Charlemaine, 36.
Cinquedea, 103.
Clavones, 89.
Claymore, 102.
' Cloth-yard ' arrow, 107.
' Clous perdus,' 97.
Coat of defence, 34.
Coif of mail, 27.
Coronal, 103.
Coronation of George IV, 98, 99·
Corrugated iron similar to Maximilian armour, 74.
Cosson, Baron de, 64, 66, 70, 82 ; advice to students of armour, 109 ; disputes Mey-rick's theory of burgonet, S3-
Coucy, Mathieu de, 68. Coude, 36, 50. Covers to helmets, 42. Cranach, Lucas, tilting lances
drawn by, 103. Croissants, 68.
Crossbow, used for proving armour, 47 ; varieties of, 108.
Crossbows forbidden by the
Popes, 107. Crupper or croupière, 90. Crusades, 25.
Cruso on the discarding of
armour, 98. Cuirass of leather, 15. Cuirbouilli, 34 ; crest of, 41 ;
helms of, 27 ; horse armour
of, 89 ; leg armour of, 36 ;
poleynes of, 35 ; shields of,
Cuissard, 50 ; for horse, 91. Cuisses, 39, 50 ; laminated,
58, 81 ; taken off in battle,
81 ; for tilting, 77. Cutilax, 102. Cutlas, 102. Cyclas, 38.
Dagger, 102.
Davies, Edward, 81.
' Défaut de la cuirasse,' 68.