Armour & Weapons
page 46
I. Bascinet Jrom the tomb of bha Black Prince., Canbe-rbury, AlVth. cenb. —— 2.Visoned Bascineb from the statuetta of θ.υζοΓοβ·, Dijon,XlVbh. cent..—..— d.ôalade, rVoyal Armoury, Turin,XVth. cent II,. Salade, with visor and beavor ~ Π usee de la porte de Haf, Brussels, XVth. cent (5. The Brocas Helm, f\otunda Woolwich Xvth. - XVI th. cent è.Armefc, r\oyal Armoury, Turin 7.Bur5onet,~ Brit.Mus. XVIch.cent ô. Burjjonet and Buffe. PVoyal Armoury,Turin XVItKceil 9. Morion, Brussels. AVIth.cenb. IO. Gabasset,Tunn,XVIth.cent II. Lobsber-bailed Fbb helmet, Turin. XVII th.cent.