ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 615
614 INDEX.
Modred, nephew of Arthur.
i. 40—3. Monothelites, i. 78, 86. Mont fort, Simon de, fi. 2^ì,
420. Mount sore), castle of, li. 39S Mnmmolus, i. 10S. Natlmulloth, i. 31. Neot, St. 1. 211. Nice, siege of, i. .392—C. Nicholas St. 1. 352. Noth elm, Archbishop, i. 143, Octa, eon of llengisl, i. 9,
21, 22, 23, 31. Odo, bp. of Hay eux, I- 348,355. Odo, archbishop, i. 258. Odoacer, i. la.
ηΐΓ;ι, king, i. 126. Offa, non of Tinfcrth, i. 149
-167. Olvrnpas, death of, I. 30. OsW , king. 1. 189. Osbnrga, i. 180. Oared, king. 1. ÏIS. Osric, non of llengist, i.
18, 22.
king of the lieiri, i. 81. Ostritha, queen, i. 118. Oswald, reign nf, i. 82—5. Oswi, king, j , SO. Oswin, death of, i. 89, 319. Olho, king of Germany, 11.
1C9, 183. 249. Otho, the legate, 11. 401. Owen's visit to Purgatory,
1.510. Palladium, bishop, i. 24. Pallai», btnly of, ι. 301. Palumbus,'i. 316. Randolph, ii. 255, 263-485. Pascentiuw, 1. 7, 27. l'asselewe, Uobt, li. 0β5,5ί)4. Patrick, St. i. 21, 511. Paulinus, abp. I 75, 70, 81. Peada, non of Penda, i. 88-95. Pelaghi*, bishop iì. 411. Pelagius. pope, i. 45, 50. Pepin, king, i. 11«. Peter, blatiop of Winchester,
ii. 541, 553, 594. Peter of Provence, 1. 417 Peter the hennit, i. 379. Penda, i. 05, 78—»4. Philip, tho presbyler, 1. 8 Philip AugiiHtUH, 11. 48, 441 Phocas, Ca-sar, i. 62. Pirauiius.abp. of York, I. 37. Plaeidia, i. 7. Pore ta, hereny of, Ì. 470-Prcnter, John. ii. 50. Prowper of Aquitaine, i. 18. Purgato)-}', vision of, lì. 148, Quondritha, i. 159, Quenedrida. 1. 173. Qiiirhelin. i. 67, 75, 76.
Kabbotl, duke. i. 155. Radtgundis, queen, i. 46. Untinomi of Tontouso, 1. 392. Ralph, bp. of IMirliam, i. 449 Halph, earl of Chester, i. 492. Raymond, count of Toulouse,
ii. 470. Redwald, king, i. 55, 58, 69 Reiiiigios.bp. i. 19.30,39,44. Richard, archbishop of Can
terbury, i. 23. Richard, bishop of Durham,
ii. 429, 476.
Richard I, 1. 533, ii. 23, 41, 52, 72, 76 ; crowned, 79 Sweyn, king of the itene?,
i. 283. Switbun, SC. i. 1S8, 261—2. symniachus, pope, i. 30, 31. Tancred, i. 319,420,433,439.
Γη twin, archbishop, I. 139. Ti'lenphorua, pope. i. 31. Templari», their origin, 1 71,
469. Theodore, abp. i. 101, 110.
Théodore, pope, i 83. Tlieodoric, 1. ]y, JO, 37. Tlicodoric, tlie abbat, i. 40. Thcodorus, bp of Cyria, i. 71. Theodosiug, emperor, 1. 8. Theon.abp. of London, 1. 52. fhuretail, archbp. of York, i
4'i7, 491.
joins the crusades, 84 ; Toledo.astronomers οί,η' 514. return;*, 123 ; imprisoned, Toledo, synod at, i. 50. 125; ransomed, 134 ; death, | Tonti, i. 310, 312, 321, 320.
177; his piety, 547—55, Trajan, how released from Richard Marshall, ii. 542-91 hell, i- 62. Hiraolx. Peter de, li. 505. Valéry, St. ii. 167. Robert, count of Paris, i. 397, Vedan'.us, St. i. 39.
Robert, earl of Gloucester Verulam. i. 33.
1. 486. Victorious, 1. 15. Robert, earl of Leicester, j Vlgilius, pope, 1. 38, 40, 44
υ. 25—6. I Vortlgern, i. 3—17. Robert, pon of William I. J. Vortimer, i. 7, 9, 10, 11. 344, 351, 391, 33", 4-Ό, 439, t t'Hrea, son of Kadwln, i. «| .
119, 4*1 Rollo, duke, i. 232, 239. Kouianuft, tlie Legate, ii.409. Romanus, St. i. 75. Howena. i. 7, 11. Rupi bus, Peter de, 1. 214. Sabinian, pope, i. 64. Saladin, ii. 55—130; reply
to the emperor Frode
rie, 06.
Salomon, king, I. 79. Sampson, St. i 24. S.tphadin, ii. 13)), 110. Saxons, arrival of, i. 5, Scottis, Mariana*, I. 34L Scot, Master John, i. 215. Sehert, king, i. 54. 07. Sfgnive, Siephen de, jj. 565.
nis, bp. of Treves, i. 0. Seville, capture, of, ii. 73. Sexhurga, queen, 1. M. Sibylla, queen, i. 51. Nichelili, Κ. of Norway i. 4" SigelM-rt, king. i. Klt Snnpltcius, pope, i. 18 Sithrir, kinc, i- 245. Siward, dnke, 1. 312 Sledda, king. i. 54 Soliman, i- 3^4. 391. Stephen, king, i. 470—522. Swevn, son of Godwin, i.
Urban, pope, 1. 374.
I'terpendnigim, i. 13,16—33.
Wale here, bishop, i. 345.
Walo the legal'-, ii. 301.
Walter, the penniless, Ì. 3*1
Walwain, son of Loth, i. 40.
Wilfrid, bishop, i. 97—130.
William, bp. of Kly, i. 100.
William the Conqueror, i.
297, 317. 320—53.
William Unfits, i. 354 -441.
William, son of duke Robert,
i. 401—78. William, son of Henry I., i.
William, son uf Henry II.,
i. 509. William Longsword. earl of
Salisbury, π. 299, 348,40^ William, Marshal, ii. 3*5.
391. 413, 441, 539. William king of Scotland.
li. 29. 30. W ina,bp- of Winchester,!^:» Wi pedes-1Ί etc, 1. 1*. Witch of Rerkeley, i. 181. Withgar, i. 33, 44. Wlihgan-sbi. i. 39. Wulfnc. Si , i. 523. Wulstan. St.,i. 309—74. Y ngiiar. i. 191Kc.no, emperor, i. 19,