ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 614
F.orpenwald, i- 5, S, 75. Guthlac, Si., I. 131. Julian, St., 11. 221.
Kurn, ί. 21, 22, 2 \ 31. Iniy. kingof Jerusalem, 54. Justin, emperor, 1. 37-
Erkciiwalil, St., i. 102." tiyiro.ltatiWi king, i.109,210. J untiti the younger, i. 4«. Krkeiiwiiw, non of tur», i. 38. Ilarduenute, I. 301—5. Justinian, empernr, i.3"S—9F.nne.nburgn, i- 93 Harold, I. 301). 31'), 312. 313, Kkerkuradanc, 1. 23.
Kthelljcn, kiriff, 1. 47—67. 317, 31», 321. 326, 329—33. Km-rlegion, i. 5*. KlheMnda. Si , i. lvd. Mantelli, 111 * • Ikuitî, i. 223. Ktnejjti, St. i. 17.7. iMli» Uri.], i. 54, 5K, (Jl. Hastings, buttle of. i, 331—3. Ki'iiivil, king, i. 127.
KUmlnii. i. Henry, non of liuti. 11., ί. Keniilf, king, i. Iii7.
Kthelnd. kO'g, i- 207—87-533, ii. 11,21, 52. Κ incburga, 1. Ì8.
Kthelstan, king, i. 245. Henry of Champagne, iì. I'M. KinegUs, 1. 75, 7*.
Klh Iwald, ί· !•'· Henry II., Itlrth of, Ι. 4*ii, Kim-ric. i. 20, 31, 39, 40, 10.
Fthelwold, St., L 20Ί. marriage 5o4, reigu 523, Κinewale, i. 85, loO.
Furnace of Boulogne, i. 309. li. 70. l-aey, lioger de, ii. 2i.'*j, 213-
Kustace, tu»* monk, ii. 39!». Henry L.klng. i, 337.440—83 Lambert, M. i. 119.
Fusln.ee, abb. of Haye, ii lift). Henry, emperor, i. 317· Lanfranc, abp. i. 342, 355-9.
Kutrehes, i. Ht 1«. Il-reward, i. 339. Ungton. abp. it. 23**, 292,
KalÛMiis, ii. 3lS\ 3--C, 394, llengi*t. i. 5, 9, 10.20, 21. 312, 443. 50?.
45|, 458, 4*4. FitzOsbert, William, ii. 14ft. Fin-Peter, fìeollrry, ii. 275,
l*Ìlz-Walter, Rob. ii. 307.381.
Furtunatu*, ì. 47.
Frederic, emperor, li.*63, let
ter tu Saladin 64, deal li (J3.
Franco, archbishop, i. 239,
rridenwidu, St., i. 464.
Frullo, plain by Arthur, i, 40.
Flllk, king of Jerusalem, i.
4^0, m. (•augi, Hubert de, ii. 4(4. (ritWHÌne, toiub of, ì. 353. Geneviève, st., i. 33. Ui'iinadiuK, i. 24. Geoffrey count of Anjou, i.
4*13. 477. Genti rev, siiti of Henry li-, i.
532, il. 23, 51, 77, Io3, 192,
-'.ìli. 261. Herman US, St., I, 4,6,7titani'* (lane-, the, i. 23, 31. Gilbert, binhop of London,
i. 537—65, ii I. (iildard, bp of Koiien. i. 40. Gilhi, i- 23il. (iilloinanni'.is. i. 23. 27. lihiJjvUle, Ralph de, ii. 82. ti lappa, king. ì. 4«. (iiantonburv, i. 240. tindbald d'iilb of, i. RI. Godfrey oi Houlngne. i. 3$7,
391. 405. 425. 435, 450. I .».1ÌVH . i. 314. iMKlrlc. St, lift* of. ii. 1—11. Godwin. «arl of Kent, i- 296,
301—312 Gorlnis, d. of Cornwall, i. 29 Gregory, st., i. 40. (•rispiii, c. of Kvreiix. ι. 417 G non fui inani, queen, ί, 37.42 Guillammr, i. 3*. (•umida, empre.--, i-3(|4. 'iiiuniUlis. i. 2s.l. GtiuiJiran, king, J 54. Gurtli, sou f Godwin, i. 331.
HeracliiiH.Augiistus, i. 00.70. Lati rent in*, p«pe, E. 30. Constant ine, i. 84. Laurence, abp. i. 0*. Ilonrv 111., ii. 37it. Leicester, siege of. i. 25. Hilda, St., abbono, i, 97, 107. Leo the elder. I. 11.
Hildebrand, pope i. 347. lloel, king. 1. 35, 37. Iloiioriun, pope, i. 75. llorwt, i. 5. 10 ((••noriii8, bisliop, i. 7e. Hubert de Htirg.,, ii. 373.
381,399. 44O.J40, 553,593 Hubert, archbishop of Can
terbury, ii. 141. 173, 201. llubba, i. 191. Hugh the lirait, 1. 423-Humbert, bishop, i. liiG. Hugh HtgoU. i. 4s3. Hugh, bp. of Durham, ii. fi2. Hugh, bp. of Chester, ii. 170. Mugli, bp. of Lincoln, ii. 193,
4-i3. 427, 002. [da, king, ι 44. Idatius, bp. of Libi tana, i. 24. Igenia, queen, i. 29. Ine, Min of Κ en red, i. 115. IngeHmrg. i. 133. Innocent III., pope, ΐ. 47. Interdicts, il. 105, IH, 246*. Isabel, empress, ii. li«7—11, Jacobites, ii. 109. James, St., ii. 221.
Jerusalem, ficg-.i of. i. 427—
33. description of, 430—43.
taken by Saladin, ii. 61. Joachim, abb. of Flore, il. 40. Johanna, ( ρ teen, ii. 12.1. John, bp ni Alexandria, i 05.
— uf Anaguia, ii. 7u,
•—• of Heverlev. i, \yK John of Ferentino, ii, 219. John, king, i. 550, \\ ·• 57
77, 132, 13.Ϊ. 17y-37a7 " Jolm. popi-, i. 33. John the Itaptit, ί ί] \$ο, Joriiaudi's. i. 1 "•. Joppa. ulrgo of. ι. 1 in. -Indilli, queen, 1. ρκΛ.
Leo the younger, i, 11 Leof, i. 253. Leufric, earl. i. 314. Le iutieri UK, bp. i. 101. Llewellyn, ii. 432. 444. 539. Lombard, Ì'eter, iicresrof, i.
Loth, consul of I.cil, i. 32. Loth, king of Norway, i, 40. Lot h broc, i. 103. Louis, son of I'hili ρ Augustus,
ii. 358, 3SI, 444. 410. Lucius, Houian consul, i. 41, Lupus, bp. i. 4. Macbeth, i. 312. Maceuuint, ii. 53. Magna Charts, i. 300—22. Malcolm, king ol Scots. 1.3CO. Malgo, king, i- 50. Matnertus, SI. i. 11. Martel, Charles, i. Ig3.
Martina, i4 . Matilda, cinprCBs, i, 402. Matilda. i|ueen of Henry ί, ί
459—0?. Matilda, nueen, i. 34*\ Mauli'on, Savane de, ii, 220. Manr. St. i. 45. Maurice, emperor, i. 51. fi», Meililu*. bishop of Lu,Jon
01, 07. Mendfic, kinccf tlier.TM; UL( J
406. Mercretle^burne, i. 20. Medard.bp. ·1 .Νovuli Ì.40-C, Mei tin. i- Π. I'-. 22, 41. Merov.'ii». king. ι. 5. Mincie*, i. 1 l. Κ : ·', 39. H
4:ΐ, 45, 47. 49, 51. U4;,,"
|i«*. III. 120. 157. Ιν. -··-' 23-. 244. 24(.'. ί··2. 25Λ.
321.525: il.?. IW.iiti*. 39ο' —t,M|. (''"'·