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Heroines of the Crusades
page 448
molished churches and convents, and made the sufferers no compensation for the injury. At the same time he enacted new laws, by which he prohibited all his subjects from hunting in any of his forests, and rendered the penalties more severe than ever had been inflicted for such offences. The killing of a deer or bear, or even a hare, was punished with the loss of a delinquent's eyes ; and that, at a time, when the killing of a man could be atoned for by paying a a moderate fine.—History of England, vol. 1, p. 214.
NOTE 0.—PAGE 29.
" Odious Danegelt, and still more odious Gouvrefeu. "— William, to prevent the people of the land from confeder-ating together in nocturnal assemblies, for the purpose of discussing their grievances, and stimulating each other to revolt, compelled them to couvrefeu, or extinguish the lights and fires in their dwellings at eight o'clock every evening, at the tolling of a bell, called from that circum-stance, the curfew or couvrefeu.—Queens of England, vol. 1, p. 57.
" Lanfrane will absolve thee from thy oath."—Lanfranc exchanged his priory for the Abbey of St. Stephen, at Caen, in Normandy, and when William, the sovereign of that duchy, acquired the English throne by conquest, the inter-est of that prince procured his election, in 1070, to the Archbishopric of Canterbury, then become vacant by the deposition of Stigand.—See Encyclopedia.
" Adela stood again in the old Abbey of Fescamp."—In the year 1075, William and Matilda, with their family, kept the festival of Easter, with great pomp at Fescamp, and attended in person the profession of their eldest daugh-ter Cicely, who was there veiled a nun, by the Archbishop John.—Queens of England, vol. 1, p. 63.
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