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Heroines of the Crusades
page 447
or Normans ; leaders of piratical squadrons who passed their lives in roving the seas in search of spoil and adven-tures. The younger sons of the Scandinavian kings and jarls, having no inheritance hut the ocean, naturally col-lected around their standards the youth of inferior order, who were equally destitute with themselves. These were the same who, in England and Scotland, under the name of Danes, and on the continent nnder the name of Nor-mans, at first desolated the maritime coasts, and afterwards penetrated into the interior of countries, and formed per-manent settlements in their conquests.—See Encyclopedia.
" The Danes confided much in the Fylga or Guardian Spirit."—They have certain Priestesses named Morthwyr-tha, or worshippers of the dead.
Edgar Atheling, dreading the insidious caresses of Wil-liam, escaped into Scotland, and carried thither his two sis-ters, Margaret and Christina. They were well received by Malcolm, who soon after espoused Margaret, the elder.— Hume's History of England, vol. 1.
" The laying waste of Hampshire."—There was one pleasure to which William, as well as all the Normans and ancient Saxons, were extremely addicted, and that was hunting ; but this pleasure he indulged more at the ex-pense of his unhappy subjects, whose interests he always disregarded, than to the loss or diminution of his own reve-nue. Not content with those large forests which former kings possessed in all parts of England, he resolved to make a new forest near Winchester, the usual place of his resi-dence ; and for that purpose he laid waste the country in Hampshire for an extent of thirty miles, expelled the in-habitants from their houses, seized their propertv even, de-
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