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The Templars in Cyprus
page 58
So clean, that not one («article of strt ugth
Tho nil retain*—in three or four year* grow*
Not e'en tho smallest Violet ou such ground,
Fur lea* a Vino or HOTTE. 'Tin u- fui non',
So it must stand ; though gladly would I have
Some littlo *paco for Pink* nnd ilignonette.
For— ia't not so, young Ixird ?—when you have (ill.d
Your belly, eyo and noae assert themselves,
And each demanda its own e*|ccial share.
Aye, oft indeed I think, if our Ixrd God
Should tuko our stomachs, and should only leave
Our noae for scent, and our small jmir of eyes,
That so wo only lived by Sight and Smell,
We should bo much less gross—much moro alert.
Now rnuny a man has got no nose at all ;
That's tho worso port of it !—You wipe your brow,
Your doublet you unloose.—Aro you so warm
From such a little digging ? (Aiide.) Doth it work ?
F'RAXK (Aride). No, this I cannot stand, ho drives me wild, (l.l Hark thee, old man, say truly, who art thou ? A ] - ..-unt ? Nav, most surely not ! A Sago ? Perhaps my Genius, whoso behest it is To loose my shackles.
You are weary. Rest Henoath this ] aim-tree's shade. Perhaps its leaves Will tell you something, as at times they do. It sounds moro pleasant so than when another Accosts you with such wares.
But who ore you ?
I ? I'm a man.—And you ?—Ah, yes !—the son 0' the Seneschal of Poiton !
(FRANK n«* aevj—PHILIP l»fo after him.)
This youth will mend,
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