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The Templars in Cyprus
page 7
Kl'DO, formerly Martial in the Crusading Army, now Adept
Brothtr and Delegate, AsTmus (called alto ASTHAI.ON), a fourteen-year-old
Christian anchorite from the desert of the Thtbaid in
Egypt, Adoptive Daughter and Delegate. JAMIS BERNARD MOLAT, last G rand. Matter of the TempW
The Presbyter of the Order.
1'llll.ir, banished Duke of Anjou, Malay's confidant, now
Serving-Brother and Brother of the Garden.' Marshal of the Order. Itraper 0/ the Order, limner-Hearer of the Order.
CI.AI'S ItoCNF.R. a young German handicraftsman, and
Associate of the order. HUGO HE ViLt.AR9,/br»i/Wy Grand-Commander, now Elder
and Seneschal of the Order. The 1'receptor of Cyprus. HERITUHT. Er-Prior of Montfaucon. SIR XOFFO HI NOFFODEI, an Italian Knight. SIR GOTTFRIED VON SAI.ZA, a German Kniqht. SIR liunnit OF IIERKDOK, a Scotch Knigil. Sin CIIARLOT DE GUTONNE, a French Knight. BROTHER SQEIX, called CmtiAXUS, Chaplain of the Order,
Molai/'s private Secretary. SERVIXO-BROTIIER OTTO, Bell-Mngcr. SEIITINO-BROTIIER GREGOR, Malay's Attendant. FRANK or BKIEKKE. 1
AIIAEIIERT, Count of Anjou-Maine, Son of Philip. J A Tunisian Privateer. A Troubadour.
WirE OF CLAI'S with two Children. Four Preceptors
Knights, Chaplains, Serving-Brothers and Pursuivants of the OnUr, Workmen, Choristers, Tunisian Captives, People.
Young Secular Knights.
The scene is laid in the island of Cyprus, at Limasol. the year 1306, and occupies two entire days.
The action is in
(ltichard Cœur de Lion conquered Cyprus from Isaac Comnenns, brother of the Kmperor Manuel, in 1191, and sold it to the Templars, who returned it to him in 1192, when he ceded it to Guy dc Lusignan in indemnification of his claims to the kingdom of .Jerusalem. The Templars resorred their l'roc*ptory at Limasol, and the King fixed his residence at Nicosia.)
1 So U called the Gardener of a Templar Lodge or I'reccptory.
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