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Saladin. Prince of Chivalry
page 100
be in co-operation with the final uprising of the negroes, in combination with some disaffected Turcomans, but the plot was revealed again and crushed ruthlessly. Hearing of this the Franks of Palestine did not move, but the King of Sicily came with a fleet to Alexandria, where he landed troops. For a short time it looked as though he might overcome the small resisting force, but the news that Saladin was on his way with large reinforcements inspired the garrison to a vigorous sortie and the Sicilians were definitely defeated.
This victory was not without effect at home and abroad. Taken with conquests in the Soudan and in Arabia, where his eldest brother, Turan Shah, had won sweeping victories even before the death of Nur ed-din, it was made clear to all that a new sun had risen in Islam. Already he was Sultan of Egypt, and all indications were that Humphrey of Toron's Moslem Knight was in full gallop towards an imperial crown.
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