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CHARLES J. ROSEBAULT. Saladin. Prince of Chivalry


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Saladin. Prince of Chivalry
page 33

period must be a strong man as well as wise, and the theory that man is by nature a fighting animal was not disputed by any one credited with common sense. Here Asia was in accord with Europe. The world over rulers made war for their faith and their convictions, or even for pleasure or profit, and only the exceptional ones troubled about justification. To the victor belonged the spoils, and huzzahs rang in the ears of the home-coming conqueror, regardless of whether his had been a war of aggression or defense. Not a word of carping criticism to mar the rejoicings. Church bells rang their loudest in the Christian countries, while trumpets blared and drums rolled in the lands of Islam. In both the priests in their most gorgeous robes were in the forefront of the celebrants of victory. The losers, dragged through the mire for the greater glorification of the conqueror, accepted their fate as stoically as their natures allowed, nursing not a sense of wrong, but the hope of revenge. Their lot lay wholly in the hands of the conqueror, and it never occurred to any one that his decision was subject to any restrictions whatsoever. For reasons of policy, or because his happened to be a merciful nature, they might be spared, but none would protest—neither those directly concerned nor neutral onlookers — if they were all condemned to the shambles. Kacim ed-Daula ak-Sonkar, deserted by his troops, is brought before Tadj ed-Daula Tutuch, his victorious enemy.

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