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Roger De Hoveden
The Annals vol.2., From A.D. 1180 To A.D. 1201.
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Roger De Hoveden
The Annals vol.2., From A.D. 1180 To A.D. 1201.
page 333
OH which the truce was made, and beyond the Loire they shall hold- them in the same manner in which they held them on the day on which he and his people were able, within so many lawful days, to hear of the truce being made.20 The king of England includes in the truce all those who were more liegemen of himself than of the king of France before the truce. As to the prisoners, it shall be thus agreed on both sides : those prisoners whom the king of France detains, shall be rescued upon giving such security as they shall offer, if it shall so please the said king ; but if it shall not please him, then his arbitrators shall upon oath declare what security shall be given in addition thereto, in order that the king of France may be secure that the prisoner will return to the custody of the king of France fifteen days before the end of the truce, if the prisoner is then alive ; and the same shall be done as to the prisoners of the king of England by his arbitrators. All these things both kings shall swear to observe with good faith, and shall make oath at the hand of the cardinal; and they shall give their letters patent as to keeping and observing the aforesaid truce and covenants. Before us, on part of the king of France, Gervaise de Chatillon has made oath and sworn, on behalf of the king of France, that this truce shall be observed ; such persons also shall make oath, both clergy as well as laity, subject to the arbitration of the umpires, as the king of England shaB require. In addition to which, be it known to you that we who have sworn to this agreement for a truce, have hereupon had letters patent on behalf of the king of France for the confirmation of the same, expressing that whatever we shall ordain as to observing the truce, that same he will ratify and confirm. Done between Vernueil and Tiliers, in the year from the Word made Incarnate one thousand one hundred and ninety-four, on the twenty-third day of July."
After the king had crossed over, on Hugh, bishop of Durham, returning home, Hugh Bardolph demanded of him the earldom of Northumberland, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the castle of Bamborough, which the said bishop had promised to the king that he would deHver up. However, the bishop delayed doing this, because his messenger, by whom he had made offer to the king of two thousand marks of sBver for retaining the said earldom and the above-mentioned castles, had not yet returned. When he returned, he brought with
2 0 Probably a certain distance being reckoned for each lawful day.
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