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way, and the Saxons keep possession of the country. Again they send to Germany, not secretly as before, but by a public embassy, as victors are wont to do, and demand reinforcements. A large multitude joined them from every province of Germany ; and they carried on war against the Britons, driving them from their territories with great slaughter, and ever remaining masters of the field. At last the Britons bend their necks to the yoke, and pay tribute. This migration is said to have been made from the three provinces of Germany, which are said to have been the most distinguished, namely, from Saxony, Anglia, and Giota. The Cantuarians derived their origin from the Giotae [Jutes], and also the Uuhtii, who took their name from the island
Wihta [Me of Wight], which lies on the coast of Britain.
For out of Saxony, which is now called Aid-Sexe, or Old Saxony, came the tribes which are still called so among the English, the East Saxons, South Saxons, and West Saxons ; that is, those who are called in Latin, the Oriental, Austral, and Occidental Saxons.
Out of the province of Anglia came the East Anglians, Middle -Anglians, Mercians, and all the race of the Northumbrians. Moreover Old Anglia is situated between the Saxons and Jutes, having a capital town, which in Saxon is called Sleswig, but in Danish Haithaby. Britain, therefore, is now called Anglia [England], because it took the name of its conquerors : for their leaders aforesaid were the first who came thence to Britain ; namely, Hengist and Horsa, sons of Wyhrtels :* their grandfather was Wecta, and their greatgrandfather Withar, whose father was Woden, who also was king of a multitude of barbarians. For the unbelievers of the North are oppressed by such delusion that they worship him as a god even to this day, namely the Danes, the Northmen, and the Suevi ; of whom Lucan says,
Poure forth the yellow Suevi from the North."
So greatly did the invasion of those nations spread and increase, that they by degrees obliterated all memory of the inhabitants who had formerly invited them with gifts. They demand their stipends: the Britons refuse: they take up arms, discord arises, and as we have before said, they drive
* More commonly called Wihtgile.