Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history
and kindred subjects
page 458
Painted chamber, 30.
Paleologi, 237.
Palmer, archbishop Richard, 154.
Palmer, archdeacon E., 429.
Pandects, the, 344, 35°·
Papacy, the, of the Middle Ages,
246 sqq.
Paper, effects of the nse of, instead of parchment, 384. Paris, archdeacon of Rochester,
153, 167. Paris, University of, 158,159,172. Parker, archbishop, 6, 373, 378. Parliaments of Henry VIII, anec
dotes of, 331. Paston Letters, Mr. Gairdner's
edition of, 63, 421. Pasture land and tillage, 414. Patrick, S., 341. Pauli, Reinhold, 70, 77, 432. Pavia, 347. Pearson, prof. C. H., 133. Pearson, R., claims to be admitted
Doctor of Civil and Canon Law at Cambridge (1669), 379·
Peckham, archbishop, 350, 353. Penitentials, the, 339, 342. Percy, Henry lord, 220. Percy, sir Henry (Hotspur), 228. Pertz, Dr., 32, 77, 166. Peter I, king of Cyprus, 194,
221-225, 230. Peter II, 225, 227. Peter de Helie, 159. Peter des Roches, bishop of Win
chester, 210. Peter of Blois, 137, 138, 140, 146, 148, 157, 164, 165, 168-170, 173, 175·
Peterborough under Henry II,
170. Petrarch, 224, 234. Pheasants, date of their introduc
tion, 415. Philip II, king of Spain, 263. Philip IV, king of the French (the .
Fair), 208, 251, 383. Philip VI, 251. Philip, archduke, 386, 401, 421. Philip Augustus, 250 sq.
Philip of Antioch, king of Armenia,
215. Philip the Chancellor, 224. Philippa, Queen of Edward III,
Philosophy, scholastic, its aim,
242. Picot, G., 74. Pilgrimage of Grace, the, 290,
328. Pisa and England, 230. Plague in Cyprus, 219, 229. Plantagenet kings, long-suffering
of, 244. Plumpton Letters, the, 421. Pocock's Bumet and Records of
the Reformation, 64. Poland, partition of, 24, 271 sq.Powell, F. York, 434. Prsemunientes clause, the, 329. Praemunire, statute of, 288, 291
293. 316, 318-319, 324, 327,
354. 363 sq.Prerogative Court, 372. Printing, effects of the invention
of, 384. 388 sq.Prizes, historical, at Oxford, 41
44· Proclamation Act, 329, 331. Provisions of Oxford, 204. Proxies in the House of Lords,
310 sq.Prynne, W., 9, 346, 351, 387. Puritans, the, and the Court of
High Commission, 373 sqq.
Ralph de Diceto, 140, 144, 150,
159, 161, 168, 176, 209. Ralph de Serris, 150, 165. Ramsey, chronicle of, 170. Ranke, Leopold von, his place in
historical literature, &c, 64,
65. 7°· Raymund of Pennafort, 352. Recognition of Henry VIII, as
supreme head, 318-320. Record Commission, the, 14. Reformatio Legum, the, 370. Reformation, the, 262, 265-269,
291-301, 318 sqq., 365 sqq.Reginald of Chatillon, 184.