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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 542
place. The Welsh, seeing them ndvancing impetuously, imiiu.liutely feigned a flight to a wood ibat was near ; the knights of the castle pursued them hotly till they were immersed in the heforemciuioned river and marsh up to their horses' bellies, and especially the foremost of them ; those behind were forewarned by the immersi'η of their companions, for whose misfortune thev sorrowed great'y. The Welsh, seeing the condition of their enemii s. then rushed impetuously on them, and with their lances cans d a cruel slaughter amongst them, ns they rolled about in the mud. Λ severe conflict then ensued, but at length, after much slaughter on both sides, the Welsh were victorious. In this battle Giles son . . Richard d'Argenton, a brave knight, was taken prisoner.and some others with hint, whose names I have not heard.
(if the rengainée taken by ttte king for this treachery of lite monk, Src.
When the calamity which had befallen his knights was told to the king of England, he marched with all haste to the convent to which the monk belonged who had betrayed the aforesaid knights, and as a punishment for his treachery burnt a farm belonging t the convent, after plundering it of everything, nnd then plundered the convent, ordering that also to be burnt ; the abbat, however, to save the buildings which had cost so much money and labour, paiil the king three hundred marks, nnd thus his anger was averted lor a time. After this the king ordered the castle of .Matilda in Wales, which had 1 ccn some time ngo destroyed by the Welsh, to he strongly rebuilt of stone, and when it was finished at great expense, he placed in it a garrison of knights and soldii rs. to check the incursione of the Welsh.
t/f tit" treaty tintile Itetircen the French anil Fnglish kings.
In the month of dune of the same year, the French king led a huge army to invade Brittany ; but Henry count of Brittany and Ralph earl of Chester were informed of his approach, and lying in ambush for him, attacked the waggons and carriages which w. re transporting the arms and provisions in the rear, and toi I: possession of nil bis baggage, after which they burnt his engines of war, and carried off sixty horses. The French then began to · nsider that Brittany was impregnable, and despaired of a favourable issue to such a weak commencement, so a treaty was entered into by the archbishop of Kheims and 1'hilip count of Boulogne mi b half of the French king, nnd the count of Brittany and the ear! of Chester on behalf of the English king, and on the ."th et duly a truce for three years between the two kings was agri ed on and continued by oath.
In this same month of duly, Peter bishop of Winchester returned to England, after having passed nearly live years ill the land of promise, in the fulfilment of his vow of pilgrimage, and on the 1st of August was received with a solemn procession in the cathedral church of Winchester. lu the same war. alter the con
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