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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 446
had I JCCII granted at his departure and sworn to be observed by all, the king of Kngland had acted in such a manner, that not only were the bad laws brought into force again in their old slate, but others had been made even worse than they, throughout Kngland in general. The archbishop and bishops on this reply, being unable to obtain any other returned home and told the king.
An antipope eteeled by the Albigenses.
About that time the heretic Albigcnses in the provinces of Bulgaria, Croatia, and Dalmatia, chose for themselves an antipope in the person of one Bartholomew, wdiose erroneous doctrines gained such force in those districts that he enticed bishops and many others of those countries to join in his depravity ; and to oppose him the bishop of Port us, the legate of the apostolic see in those provinces, wrote as follows to the archbishop of Kouen : "T o our venerable fathers, by the grace of God, the archbishop of Rouen and his suffragan bishops, greeting in our Lord Jesus Christ. λ\ hilst we are compelled to ask your assistance on behalf of the spouse of the true crucified One, we. are afflicted to sighs and tears. However what we have seen we will tell you, and what we know we will bear witness to. That lost man, who is elevateli beyond everything which is worshipped or which is called God, has now a forerunner in his infidelity in the person of that arch-heretic, whom the heretic Albigenses call their pope, and wdio dwells on the confines of Bulgaria, Croatia, and Dalmatia, near the people of Hungary. The heretic Albigenses (lock to him to obtain from him answers to their questions; this vicegerent of that antipope, Bartholomew by name, a bishop of the heretics, was burn at Carcassone, and pays most impious reverence to that man : he has given up his abode and dwelling in the town called Porlos, and has betaken himself to the district near Toulouse This Bartholomew, in his letters which are sent about in all directions, at the commencement of them thus intitules himself, ' Bartholomew, servant of the servants of the holy faith, to such a one, greeting.' Amongst his other enormities he creates bishops and wickedly presumes to ordain churches. We, therefore, by the authority of the apostolic .-ce. whose vicegerent wc arc in this district, earnestly beg and beseech
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