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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 395
3Dt ItOfiF.li OK WF.XDOVF.R. [Λ.π . 1-.Ί7
fashion." Thev (lien went nut to reconnoitre the coming arm ν of tin' king, lint in their estimation of them they were ileeeived : Cor when they saw tin'waggons ami baggage in the rear of the annv. with the guards who followed tile squadrons which were already disposed in order of battle, they thought that this was an army of itself, because they beheld then' a great multitude of men with standards Hying ; for each of the nobles had two standards, one. as we have already said, following the troops at a distance in the rear, with the baggage, and another preceding the persons of each of them, that they might lie known when engaged in battle. And ihe count of Perche with the lnarcschal, being thus deceived, returned in a state of uncertainty to their com
panions. On their return into the city they proposed this plan to their companions, whose advice they did not despise, namely, to divide the nobles that the gates might be guarded and the enemy prevented from entering by some, until the others had taken the castle, the capture of which would soon be clfected. This plan was approved of by many, but several disagreed with it. They then secured the gates, appointed guards to them, and prepared for a defence.
Of the battle fought at Lincoln called by &ome the " L'air."
The king's army in the meantime approached the rit ν on the siile nearest the castle, and when it was discovered bv the castellans they sent a messenger by a postern door of the castle to the commanders of the army, to inform them of what was being done inside. This messenger told them that if they wished they could enter the castle by the postern, which had been just opened on account of their arrival; the commanders of the army, however, would not enter the castle that way, but sent Kaleasius. with all the division under his command, and all the cross-bowmen, to force open at least one gate of the city for the army. The whole body then marched to the northern gate and endeavoured to force it open, the barons, notwithstanding this, continuing to east heavy stones from their petrari.-c against the castle. Iîut during this time. Kalcasius entered the castle with the company of troops under his command, and with the cross-bow men. and stationed them on a sudden on the roofs o f the buildings ami on the ramparts, whence they discharged their deadly
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