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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 309
308 KOGKlt ΟΓ WEN'DOVEK. [A.D.1210.
all, as against open enemies, and would destroy tlieir castles, burn their bouses and other buildings, and destroy their warrens, parks, and orchards. The names of some of those who had not as yet sworn to strive for these liberties were, William Marshal earl of Pembroke, Ralph earl of Chester, William earl of Salisbury, William earl Warrenne, William earl (if Albemarle, II. earl of Cornwall, W. d'Albiney, Robert de Vipont, Peter Fitz-IIubert, Brian dc l'lsle,
G. de Lucy, G. de Fornicai, Thomas Basset, Henry dc Braibroc, John dc Bassingeburne, William de Cantelli, llcnryde Cornhtillc, .John Fitz-Hugh, Hugh dc Neville, Philip de Albeney, .John Marshal, and William Briucrre : the greatest part of these, on receiving the message of the barons, set out to London and joined them, abandoning the king entirely. The pleas of the exchequer and of the sheriff's courts ceased throughout England, because there was no one to make a valuation for the king or to obey him in any thing.*
The conference between the king and the barons.
lung .John, when he saw that he was deserted by almost all, so that out of his regal superabundance of followers he scarcely retained seven knights, was much alarmed lest the barons would attack his castles and reduce them without difficulty, as they would find no obstacle to their so doing ; and he deceitfully pretended to make peace for a time with the aforesaid barons, and sent \Villiam Marshal earl of Pembroke, with other trustworthy messengers, to them, and told them that, for the sake of peace, and for the exaltation and honour of the kingdom, be would willingly grant them the laws and liberties they required; he also sent word to the
• "About the same time the king concealed his secret hatred of the barons under a calm countenance, and planning revenge, caused the seals of all the bishops to be counterfeited, as it is commonly called, and wrote word in their names to all countries, that the English were nil apostates, and to be detested by the whole world. And whoever would attack these apostates, he would bestow on him, with the consent of them, and by authority of the pope, nil their lands and possessions. I!ut when the people of foreign countries heard these promises, thev put no faith in ihom, because they knew that the Knglish were nf all Christiana the most steadfast ; and when they discovered the truth they detested such crimes and falsehoods, and thin the king fell into the net which he had himself «pread."—AI. J'aris.
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