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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 282
Λ .Ο. 1214.]
showers of missiles from the cross bows, and the blows of the lances and swords of its wicked defenders. After this tin-ν set up their engines of war, ami on the eighth day the greater suburb was taken after a great many of the enemy, wdio hud incautiously exposed themselves, were slain, and the suburbs of the city, which seemed larger than the body of the town, were altogether destroyed. The enemy being thus confined in the narrow streets of the city, and suffering as well from their numbers as from want of provisions more than is credible, otfered themselves and all their property, together with the city to the crusaders, on condition of tlieir lives being preserved out of mercy, and of being sarved for at least one day. After holding a council, therefore, the barons received the city almost as it were under compulsion ; in the first place because, in men's opinion, it was deemed impregnable ; for another reason because, if that city were altogether destroyed, there would not be found a nobleman of the army who would undertake the government of that country, as there would not be a place in the subdued land where he could reside. Therefore, that the land, which the Lord had delivered into the hands of his servants, might be preserved to his honour and the advantage of Christianity, the noble Simon de Montfort earl of Leicester was, by the common consent of prelates and barons, chosen as ruler of that country:
and into his hands was delivered as a prisoner the noble linger, formerly viscount and ruler of that country, together with the whole of the province, including about a hundred castles, which, within one month, the Lord designed to restore to the catholic unity ; and amongst these same castles were several of such strength that there would have been, in the opinion of men, but little cause to fear any army. After effecting this, the count of Nevers and a large part of the army returned home, whilst the illustrious duke of Burgundy and the. rest of the nobles proceeded with their army to tic extirpation of this heretical depravity, and after this they delivered into the hands of earl Simon de M ont fort several mora castles which they took either by fair means or by threats.
Messengers sent ίο Toulouse by the crusaders.
As the city of Toulouse had been reported to have been
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