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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 225
224 ROGER OK WEMDOVER. [A.U . 1206.
blessed Julian conducted him altogether unhurt through the aforesaid lire, to the above-mentioned lake, and the two then walked together on the road which led from the church through the midst of the liâmes ; no wood material supplied fuel to this said lire, but a sort of name rising, like what is seen in a fiercely-heated oven, was diffused over the whole of that space, and consumed the black and spotted spirits for a shorter or a longer period, according to the degrees of their crimes. And the spirits which had got out of the fire descended into that cold salt lake at the command of the blessed Nicholas, who presided over that purgatory ; and some of these were immersed over head, some tip to the neck, sonic to the chest and arms, others up to the navel, some up to the knees, and others scarcely up to the hollow of their feet. After the lake, there remained the passing of the bridge, which is on the western side of the church, in front of the same ; some of the spirits passed over this bridge very tediously and slowly, others more easily and quicker, and some passed over at will and fast, experiencing no delay or trouble in crossing ; for some went through the lake so slowdy that they stayed in it many years; and those who were not assisted by any special masses, or wdio had not in their life-time endeavoured to redeem their sins by works of charity towards the poor, those 1 say, on reaching the before-mentioned bridge, and desiring to cross over to their destined place of rest, walked painfully with naked feet amidst the sharp stakes and thorns which were set on the bridge; and when they were no longer able to endure the extreme agony of the pain, they placed their hands on the stakes to support themselves from falling, and their hands being directly pierced through, they, in the violence of their pain and suffering, rolled on their belly and all parts of their bodies upon the stakes, until by degrees they grovelled along to the further end of the bridge, dreadfully bloody, and pierced all over; but when they reached the hall of the aforesaid church, they there obtained a happy entrance, and recollected little of their vehement tortures.
/low St. Michael ami the ajiostles Peter and Paul apportioned the sfaviti to the places ordained for them by Hod.
After then, having beheld all these things, St. Julian and
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