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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 217
to the court of Rome to confirm his election ; he moreover .showed every one the letters of the convent which he held ; believing that by this he should in no small degree forward tin' merits of his cause. Arriving at length tit Rome, he forthwith made known his election to our lord tlic pope and his cardinals, ami openly showing his letters to all, he boldlv required the popi; to confirm his election by the apostolic benediction: but the pope answering in baste, said that lie would take time to consider of it, in order that lie might be more assured of the truth of the before-named circumstances.*
* " About the same time pope Innocent wrote the following letter to the sutlraiTiins of Canterbury, in defence of the monks of that church :—
" * Innocent, bhhop, servant of the servants of (iod, to his venerable
brothers tfie suffragans yciterally of the church of Canterbury^ health and
apostolical benediction.—Whereas, in the tinie of the Jewish law, which,
as we read, never brought any man to that which is perfect, parents alter the flesh were held in .such honour by their children after the flesh, that whoever cursed them was sentenced by the law of God 10 death, much more docs it become those who are placed under the law of grace, and for whom the doors of Paradise have been opened through tlie most precious blood of Christ, to take heed lo t by transgrcssion they incur the sentence »f damnation, seeing that detriment to the soul is more to lie feared than any danger that can happen to the body. If therefore worldly parents are to be held in so much honour, what shall we say of spiritual parents ? Shall they not he held superior in honour to earthly parents, in the same proportion as the soul surpasses the body? W e have premised thus much, my brethren, inasmuch as, in oui care for your salvation, we fear lest the present tribulation, which has been raised, it is said, by your menas, should be productive of danger to the soul, concerning the church of Canterbury, which vou are bound to reverence as your mother; and that the detriment to the said church be such that it may not be remedied for a great length of time. W e therefore exhort your brotherhood in the Lord, by these our apostolical letters, that yon diligently keep in view what concerns your honour and the salvation of your souls, and not molest the church of Canterbury your mother, whose privileges you are hound to defend, lest she have cause to complain of you, and to sty ubo has nourished sous, who have not only not known her, bet have persecuted her most severely. In saying these things we have no wish to detract from your rights, but in pious solicitude to prevent you from injuring others on pretence of asserting your own claims. May !od enlighten your hearts, my brethren, and enable you without contention to pay all obedience to your mother-church, and do nothing in defiance of divine or human law, which you would not wish others to do towards yourselves.— fìiven at Home, at St. Peter's, Dec. 8, in the 8th year of our pontificate/ "
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