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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 146
sureties, mid determined a penalty of fifteen thousand marls of silver in case of a breach of the treaty by either part.. But in course of time, after Uichard had received possession of the above-mentioned places, the French king repented having made such a bargain, and collecting a large army he laid siege to Annuirle; on this the English king ordered a seizure to be made of all the goods and possessions which were in his dominions belonging to the abbatsof Marmontici-, Chini, St. Denis, and Charité, who were the French king's securities on the above-named treaty, and hail bound themselves to [iay the before-mentioned money to the king of the English if the former king should not stand to his agreement. In the mean time the French king took the castle, of A limarle by assault and destroyed it, and the king of England gave him three thousand marks of silver of the abovementioned money as a ransom for the knights of that garrison and their followers, that they might be permitted to depart, saving their horses and arms. Afterwards the king of the French took Xonaneoiirt, and king Richard took the castle
(iameges, and so the two kings played at castle-taking.
his deliverance, ami having laid it down, took his leave without lining any hurt. The countryman, however, wishing to see where so tame an animal lay, followed him to his ilen, the lion all the time licking his feet, anil then came hack to his dinner. The serpent now came also, and brought with him in his mouth a precious stone which he laid in the countryman's [rale. The same proceedings again took place as before. After two or three days the rustic, carrying the jewel with him, went to Venice, to claim froni Vitaus his promise. He found him feasting with his neighbours in joy for his deliverance and said to him, " friend, pay me what you ow'e me." " \ \ ho art thou!" replied Vilnus, " and what dost thou want!" "I want the tive hundred talents you promised me." " l)o you expect," replied Vitalis. "to get so easily the money which 1 have had so much difficulty to amassi" and, as he said these words, he ordered his servants to cast the rash man into prison, iiut the rustic by a sudden spring escaped out of the house and told what had happened to the judges of the city. When, however,they were a little incredulous,he showed them the jewel which the serpent had given him, and immediately one of them, perceiving that it was of great value, bought it of the man at a high price. Hut the countryman further proved the truth of his words by conducting sonic of the citizens to the dens of the lion and the serpent, when the animals again fawned on him as before. The judges were thus convinced of his truth, arid compelled Vitalis to t'ulril the promise which be had given, and to make com
pensation for the injury which he hud done the poor man. 1 his story was told by king Richard to expose the conduct of ungrateful men.
VOL. 11. L
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