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ROGER OF WENDOVER Flowers of history. The history of England from the descent of the saxons to A.D. 1235. vol.2
page 13
on the 18th of June, contrary to the prohibition of our lord the pope, who sent letters to the archbishop and the other bishops, to the following purport: " We forbid you all by our apostolical authority, from crowning the new king, if the case ehall occur, without the consent of the archbishop and church of Canterbury, nor shall any of you put forth his hand, contrary to the ancient customs and dignity of that church, or in any way forward the coronation aforesaid." This prohibition, however, was of no avail, for, before the letters were promulgated, the young king had been crowned. The king immediately afterwards crossed the sea, and came to a conference with the archbishop at Montmirail, where, also, the king of France attended, and after a long negotiation about making peace between them, when they came to the kiss, the archbishop used the words, " I kiss you to the honour of God," but the king recoiled from the same, as having been only conditionally brought to agreement ; for though the archbishop's conscience might be most pure, the king always objected to the forms of words which he used, as for instance,
saving the honour of God, saving my order, saving GocCs holy faith, and the archbishop was suspicious of this caution on the king's part, lest, if the reconciliation took place, he should be thought to have acquiesced in the kings unjust customs of England.
How peace was made between king Henry and Thomas arehbithop of Canterbury.
The king of France again had a conference with the king of England, William archbishop of .Sens, and the bishop of iNevers, at Freitval, whereat king Henry and the archbishop rode apart from the rest, twice dismounted from their horses, and twice mounted again; the king also twice held the stirrup whilst the archbishop was mounting; and finally, by means of Ko trie archbishop of Kouen, they came to terms at Ainboise ; peace was made between them, and king Henry wrote the following letter to his son the young king. " This is to inform you that Thomas archbishop of Canterbury has made peace with me, to my satisfaction. I therefore command that he and all his adherents shall be unmolested : and that you cause all their goods to be restored to him, awell as to all his clerks and others who left England on his
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