The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. II. A.D. 1066 to A.D. I307.
page 611
Tarpili, 1.801 TyrelL Walter, 11. M
Uff», 1. 289 Ulpher, 1.811 Urban IX. pope, 11. 400, 421,
Uter Pendragon, L 224, 247, 249, 252, 254
Valence, Ayroer de. earl of
Pembroke. II. 688,587, 695
Valence. William de, IL 288,
291, 823,85β Valerian, 1. 172 Valons. L 197 Valeran, lord Robert, H. 896 Vere, Alberto de, H. 48 Vespatlan. 1. 146,149, 154 Vesci, John de, 11. 487 Virgin Marv, 1.112 Visiona, i. 335, 437, 482. 542,
650, 664: II. 19, 22, 26, 26,
27, 67, 309, 343, 347 Vitelline, i. 160 Vortlseni, L 21L 214, 247 Vortlmer, i. 220, 222
Walaseh, papal legate, il. 888 Watcher, bishop of Durham,
11.9 Wallace, William, II. 626,678 Waltbeof, earl, 11. 8,11 Walwan. I. 280, 262 Ware one, William de, il. 9,
18 Warrene, John earl of, 11.413,
417,449,464,468 Wengham, Henry de, li. 863 Westmllun, William de, 11.
371 Wibert, bishop of Ravenna,
ii. 11 Withgarna. 1.254, 264 Wilfrid, 1. 312,814, 319, 331,
344 Wilfrid, of Canterbury, 1.
890, 891 Wilfrid, the librarian, 1. 348 Wilfrida. i. 481 William I., II. 1-14 William II., (Rufus), 14—
26 William, of Anjou, 11. 21 William, count of Flanders,
William, count of Holland, 11. 800, 308, 334, 336, 388
William of Normandy, 1.527, 637, 657—666 William, archbishop of Rouen, 11.10 William, king of Scotland,;!!. 65, 79, 86, 109 William, king of Sicily, li. 65 William, elect of Valence, ii. 185, 187, 190 William, sou of William I,
ii. 4,12. Sa William II. William, son of Henry I., ii.
28,85,87 William, son of Henry II.,
11.55 William,sonof king Stephen,
11.55 William the seneschal, 11.372 Wlte, Richard de, U. 324 Woden, i. 363 Wolstan, archbishop, i. 477 Wolstan, 1.547 WoUtan, bishop, ii. 7, 22 Worcester, Walter, bishop of,
11. 407,411, 443
Xerxes, i. 83