The flowers of history, especially such as relate to the affairs of Britain. Vol. II. A.D. 1066 to A.D. I307.
page 605
Benedict XI., pope, il. 568,
569 Beoni, i. 540 Beieugarius of Tours, il . 15 Berkeley, witch of,i. 400 Berard, pope's nuncio, 11.404 Bernard, St, il . 52 Bernulf, 1. 898 Besill, Matthias de, il . 406 Biarde, Gaston de, li . 838 Blerne, Gaston de, il . 458 Bigod, Hugh, justiciary, il .
Bigod, earl Roger, 1L 828 Bladud, i. 43 Blanche, queen of France, li.
Bleothwin, il. 3 Blund, Master John, iL 165,
298 Bloet, Robert, li . 20 Bohemond, ii . 23 Bohemond the younger, iL
35,59 Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, iL 259, 805, 810
Boniface VIII., pope, iL 508. 529, 534,536, 537,639,562, 566,568
Boulogne.countof, ii , 560 Borine», Hugh de, ii. 120 Boys, Thomas, ii . 589 Brancaleon, ii . 323, 361 Braybrooke, Henry de, ii . 145 Brause, William de, ii. Il l Brause. William de, the
younger, ii . 138,160 Brennius, 1.83, 86 Bresnes, John de, king of Je
rusalem, ii . 143,157,160.182 Briwere, William de, ii. 142 Brittany, count of.ii. 215,581 Brittany, John, count of, ii.
370, 874, 468 Brithric, L 372,388 Brochimallus, i. 280 Broke, Lawrence de, ii. 388 Broke, Ranulph de, ii . 62 Broke, Robert de, ii . 62 Bruce, Alexander, ii. 595 Bruce, Nigel, ii. 588, 591 Bruce, Robert de, ii. 417,487,
583,584,587,590 Bruce, Thomas, ii. 595 Brutus, the first consul, i. 68 Brutus, L 26 ; arrives in Bri
tain, 31; dies, 34 Brutus II., surnamed Green
Shield, i. 39 Bue, Walter, ii . 122 Buchan, countess of, ii. 589 Buchan,-earl de, ii . 584 Burgh, Hubert de, il . 127,
138,141,144,155, 163, 166, 172,174,181,191 Burgh, Raymond de, il . 161
Cadljah, i.289 Cadwallader, i. 317,828 Cadwallan, i. 295,297, 317 Cesar, Julius, i. 103,105,108 Cain and Abel, L 2 Calixtus, pope, ii . 37 Cambyses, L 81 Camillue, i. 59 Cantelupe, Thomas de, ii. 483 Canute, 1.507,509,526 Canute, son of Sweyn, 11.7 Carauslus, i. 177 Carus, L 176 Carrlck, earl of, ii. 583 Cassanus, king of the Tartars,
ii.681 Cassibelaunus, i. 103,106,107 Catigern, i. 221 Catiline, i. 101 Cecilia, daughter of William
I, ii.8 Cecrops, i. 19 Cedrlc, i. 247,254,259,260,263 Celestine V , pope, ii . 603,505 Cenus, king, ii. 55 Ceoline, i. 282 Ceulf, i. 282,283 Cevalinas, or Ceaulin, L 266,
269, 270,274 Chaceporc, Peter, ii . 846 Chamberlaine, Philip, ii . 421 Charlemagne, i. 368,387,891 Charles, brother ofPbilipIV,
of France, ii . 592 Charles, king of France, L -437 Charles of Anjou, iL 445, 449,
451, 455. 478, 481 Charles of Salerno, iL481,488,
Cheldric, i. 255 Christina, sister of Edgar
Atheling,L519,543; ii. 8 Cineas, i. 64 Cinthia, ii. 163 Clare, Bon de, ii. 508 Clare, Gilbert de, iL 414,415,
417, 425, 516 Clare, Gilbert de, earl of
Gloucester, ii . 161 Clare, Roger de, ii . 890 Clare, Thomas de, ii. 446,453 Clare, Thomas, earl of, 11. 58 Clare, William de, ii. 957 Claudius, L 143 Clement IV, pope, ii. 425,465 Clement V., pope, ii. 677 Clement of Rome, L 156 Clifford, Robert, ii. 586 Clifford, lord Roger de, ii. 476 Clodoveus, i. 238, 240, 251 Ccelus, duke of Caeredun. i.
179 Colgrin, i. 266—257 Colman, i. 813 Colonna, James and Peter de,
cardinals, ii . 681 Comyn, Alexander, ii . 584* Comyn, John, i t 417,487,516,
Comyn, "John, the younger,
517, 518 Coming, Peter de, iL 660 Cosdroa, L 287 Conan, L 201 Conrad, the emperor, iL 45,49 Conrad, son of Frederic II. ,
263, 281, 286, 300, 337, 840 Constance of Brittany, iL 74,
96 Constane, the monk, L 211 Constantino, i . 179,186, 187,
189,192,198 Constantino, king of the Britons, L 209, 211, 263 Cone tan tine, king of the Scote, L 470 Conatantine, a Londoner, ii .
141 Constantiue, i. 179 Constantins, count, i. 205 Constantus, the emperor, i.
194,196 Coradin, ii . 136 Coibaran, prince of Persia, ii.
Cordelia, i. 49
Cornwall, Richard, earl of. ii . 182,183,190,194, 198, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 218, 219, 221, 233, 240, 259, 291, 306,307,821, 335, 336, 839, 845,346, 353, 854, 367, 358, 869
Cougr, Ingelram de, ii . 192,
Coucy, Ingelram de, the
younger, ii . 866 Crakehall, John de. ii . 877 Craunford, Reginald de, ÌL596 Creation, the, i. 1 Creodda, i. 270 Croesus, i. 80 Cromwell, John de, iL 576 Cunedagius, i. 60 Cursak, emperor of Constan
tinople, ii . 87 Outhbert, St, i. 325, 327,488,
494 Cuthred, i. 861, 362 Cymbeline, i. 125,130 Cyrenius, L 114 Cyrus, 1.80
Damasus, pope, L 636 Darius, i. 91, 92 Darius, son of Antipasto», L81