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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.


Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Ajoining Countries from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV in 12 volumes 

Chronicles of Enguerrand De Monstrelet (Sir John Froissart's Chronicles continuation) in 13 volumes 

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Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 524

nine o'clock Wyatt reached Hyde Park ; it was too late to keep his appointment at Ludgatc, hut as it was ruin to retreat, he, after a short cannonade, seized a standard and rushed forward to charge the cavalry. Lord Clinton allowed him and about one thousand of his men to pass, and then closing, cut them oh" from the main body ; being eager to gain Ludgate, Wyatt and bis men hurried forward, without heeding the contest in their rear. Meanwhile his main army fiercely attacked St. James's and Whitehall. The former palace was success, fully defended, but the royal guards at Whitehall were defeated and driven back in confusion into the palace yard. The gentlemen-at-arms rushed out to learn the cause of the uproar, when the affrighted porter slammed to the gates, and shut out friends and foes. Tho royalists, not liking their station with the gates locked behind them, begged to be permitted access to the palace yard, and by tbe order of the Queen, who with the coolness of a veteran warrior witnessed the defeat from one of the windows in the palace, the gates were flung open, and the battle-axe men told not to leave the spot, Meanwhile, Wyatt reached Ludgate, and demanded admittance ; but instead of his expected city friends, Lord William Howard replied from the gallery, " Avaunt, traitor, avaunt! thou shalt have no entrance here." Disappointed and dismayed, he made a desperate effort to cut his way to the main body of the insurgents ; at the same moment tho rebels, who had been forced from St. James's palace, attacked Whitehall in the rear. Courtney and a few other cowards declared that all was lost, and victory was Wyatt's ; but the Queen, to encourage her bodyguards, came out of her palace and stood within arquebuss shot of the enemy. Her presence encouraged her soldiers, anil a desperate charge by Pembroke gained the day for the royalists. In tho mêlée it was difficult to distinguish friend from foe, and as most of Wyatt's men were begrimed with mud, the warcry of the victors was, " Down with the draggletails !" Wyatt, enclosed in like a wild beast in the toils, was made pri soner by Sir Maurice Berkeley opposite ; the Pelle Sauvage Inn, in Fleet Street; I about ono hundred of his mon were slain, one hundred wounded, and between five and six hundred made prisoners. The nobility soon afterwards crowded to Whitehall to offer their congratulations to the Queen, who graciously thanked them for their loyalty and courage; Courtney and the young Lari of Wor cester, who on the advance of the foe had fled, exclaiming that all was lost, were excluded from this mark of royal approbation. One of the mournful consequences of this rebellion, was the execution of Lady Jane Gray and her husband. Many of Mary's councillors attributed the Wyatt uprising to her clemency at the termination of the Northumberland conspiracy; they assured her, " that men must be made to know that if they conspired against the crown it must be at the risk of their lives and fortunes, and that whilst Lady Jane lived, her own life would be in danger." She now admitted the truth of these axioms, and the day after the sanguine contest with Wyatt, signed at Temple Bar a warrant for the execution of " Guildford Dudley and his wife" on the following day. At the request of Dr. Feckenham, who vainly endeavoured to convert Lady Jane to the Catholic faith, the exécution was by royal orders respited for three days. On the fatal morning of the twelfth of February, first Dudley and afterwards Jane submitted to the headsman's strok \ The execution took place on the green within the Tower. On the seali'oJd Jane said, " My soul is as pure frum trespass against Queen Mary, as innocence is from injustice; I only consented to the thing I was forced unto." A few hours previously, she wrote in her note book : " If my fault deserved punishment, my youth at least and my imprudence were worthy of excuse. God and , posterity will shew me favour ;" an amply fulfilled prediction, spîtoof the calum nies of foes and the more damaging ! " pious inventions" of polemical partisans, which for a while disfigured and obscured the historic portraiture of the gentle Jane, whose death was ono

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