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FRANCIS LANCELOTT, ESQ. Queens of England. Vol.1.
page 386
and besides no person of our court, and . lew elsewhere bave died of it, For which reasons I beg of you, my entirely beloved, not to frighten yourself, nor to be too uneasy at our absence, forwhereever I am I am yours ; and yet we must submit to our misfortunes, for whoever will struggle against fate is generally but so much the further from gaining bis end. Wherefore comfort yourself and take courage, and make this misfortune as easy to yourself as you can, and I hope shortly to make you sing for joy of your recai, No more at present for lack of time, but that I wish you in my arms that I might dispel your unseasonable doubts,"
Amongst other victims to the pesti
lence was Sir William Gary, husband of
Mary Boleyn, on whoso behalf Anne
wrote to Henry, to which he replied :
"With regard to your sister's matter,
I have caused Walter Welche to write to my lord your father my mind thereon. Whereby 1 trust that Evo shall not have power to deceive Adam; for surely whatsoever has been said it cannot so stand with his house, but that he must needs take her his natural daughter now in her extreme necessity. No more to you at the present time, mine own darling, but I would that we were together an evening."
From this letter it is evident that there was not, as Sanders and others would have us believe, an estrangement between Anne and Mary Bolcyn at this period.
In July, whilst Henry had as yet but partially'overcome his dread of the infection, Anne ïiud her father were both seized with the alarming epidemic. The King, half frantic with the intelligence, despatched Dr. Butts to her assistance, and sent her the following tender epistle, in which his feelings are forcibly expressed.
" Thcro came to mo at night the most afflicting news possible. On these accounts I h ave reason to grieve. First, because I heard of the sickness of my mistress, whom. I esteem move than all the world, whose health I desire as much as my own, and the half of whose sickness 1 would willingly bear to have her
cured. Secondly, because I fear I shall suffer yet longer that tedious absence, which has hitherto given mo all possible uneasiness, and, as far as I can judge, is likely to give mo more. I pray God he would deliver me from so troublesome a tormentor™ The third reason is, because the physician in whom I trust most ia absent at present, when he could do me the greatest pleasure. For I should hope by him and his means to obtain one of my principal joys in this world, that is, my mistress cured; however, in default of him, Ï send you the second, and the only one left, praying God that he may soon make yon well, and then I shall love him more than ever. I beseech you to ho governed by bis advices with relation to your illness, by your doing which I hope shortly to see you again, which will be to me a greater cordial than all the precious stones in the world.
" Written by the secretary, who is, and
always will be, your loyal and most
assured servant.
" II. lì."
Anne's illness was of short duration ; and such was her eagerness to accomplish her fatal purpose, that one of the first uses she made of her convalescence, was, with a want of sincerity that is visible in several of her letters, to forward tbe following epistle to the unforgiven Wolsey :—
" M Y LOUD,"
" After my most humble commendations, this shall be to givo unto your grace, as I am most bound, my humble thanks for the great pain and travell that your Grace dotii take in studying, by your wisdom and great diligence, how to bring to pass honourably the greatest wealth that is possible to come to any creature living, and in especially remembering how wretched and unworthy I am in comparison to his Highness. And for you I do know myself never to have deserved by my deserts that you should take these great pains for me. Yet daily of your goodness I do perceive by my friends ; and though that I had not knowledge by them, the
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