Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
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the doke of Normandy, «93 •—The lege abandoned by order of the king of France, 333.—Taken by the French, under the duke of Anjou, IL 49. dire, the town of, in Artois, befieged by the Flemings in the intereft of the king of Eng-land, I. 359.
Albret, fir Perducas d', takes offence at the conduct of the prince of Wales, I. 705/— Marries the lady Ifabella of Bourbon, 756.—Complains to the king of France ,of a tax the prince of Wales was about to impofe upon the lands of himfelf and other lords of Gafcony, 757.—Return* to the intereft of the prince of Wales, 818.—Receives the in-veftittrre of the lands of Chaumont, IL 581.—His death, 581.
4lbr*t the lord Charles i\ obtains permiffion from Charles VI. to quarter the fleurs de lis of France alternately with his own arms, IV. 125.
AUnçon, the earl of, flak at the battle of Crecy, I. 328.
Alençon, earl Peter d', returns to France 4mm England, where he had been as one of the
hoftages for king John, I. 784. Alexandria, the town of, in Lombardy, befieged by the count d'Armagnac, IV. 257.—The
fiege raifed, %6%.
Aljubarota, the battle of, between the armies of Spain and Portugal, III. 178. 260. Ahii, the cattle of, ii% Auvergne, taken by Aimerigot Marcel, II. 195« Amand, St. the town of, taken by the earl of Hainault, I. 160.
Ambrtticwrty fir Eultace d\ hofpitably receives queen Ifabella of England, after (he had fled from Paris, I. 13-—Taken prifoner at the battle of Poitiers, 429.—Refcued by his own men, 431.—Defeated and taken prifoner at the battle of Nogent fur Seine, 516.—Obtains his freedom and takes feveral towns in Champagne, 520.—Takes the town of Achery fur Aine, in Picardy, 54p.—Commits great devaftations in Picardy, 551.—Made prifoner and ranfomed in Limoufin, ÎI. 75—Dies at Carentan, in Normandy, 76.
Ambreticourt, fit John d\ on his return from Galicia, goes to Paris, to accomplifh a deed of arms, III. 521.
Amurat, the Turkilh commander, defeated by the Hungarians, IIL 222.—Invades Hungary a fécond time, X. 312.
Anchin, Peter d\ takes the town of Ortingas, III. 87.—Sells it for 8000 francs, 89.
Andreghen, the caftle of, belonging to the earl of Flanders, burnt and pillaged by the White-hoods, under John Lyon, IL 324.
» lord Arnold i\ made prifoner at the battle of Poitiers, I. 429.—Advifes Henry, king of Caftille, not to hazard a battle with the prince of Wales, 725.«—Captured at the battle of Navarete, 737.
St. Andrews, the biftiop off/taken prifoner at the battle of NeviPs Crofs, I. 346.
Angbein, the lord d*, takes the town of Grammont, in Flanders, for the earl, IL 494.— Slain before Ghent, 496.