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Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart
page 97
t-ûw account of two German phyfico-theoiogicai orations inftituted "by Mm, «whkh will be beM by the Elifabcthian heads of colleges after the conclufio* -of the prefent fpring examination. His medicinal books the library of the Mary Magdalene has obtained *.
1763. Manufcripts of Chriftian Theophilus von Riemer und Riemberg* an eminent counfellor and grand chamberlain* were gained refpeéting the Silefian, efpecially the Breflau Hiftory of his own time.
. The 8th Auguft, D. Charles William Sach's numerous colleétion of books refpeéting the Silefian Hiftory, with important manufcripts.
1765. All the manufcripts of reâor Martin Hank, from the heir of his grandfon, John Samuel Hank, which are of great importance to the Silefian Hiftory.
On the 25th January 17*4, from my uncle's inheritance, by my -grandfather, M. Cafpar Arlet, by no means for fuch purpofe commenced, by him and with great expenfe augmented, but with a quite different intent, the Library received a colleéfcion of Silefian medals, about 1300 rix-doilars
• His brother-in-law, reâor Habkbty fell heir to Ms mathematical hooka and mftrumcols ; but ^what he had in pofleiton of natural curiofitks, medals, prints, and otbcf valuable articles, which had been defcribed in Gotnolk's Breflau Curiofttics, part il. p. 1 IS. 123» were lent to hit only brother John Cfariftopher Gkfer Saxon Eleftor, counfeior at war9 and ptofeffor of mathematical, military and œconomîcal fciences In the Eagle Corp of Cadets at Drefikn9 as heir-at-law. Ytm mother of both thefe brothers was the lifter of my grandfather, M. Jeremiah ScheibeL Kr. R. Glafer died alfo In celibacy, like my own unole, the 4TH September 1733, and had conftitoted me as 'MM heir, in the moll ampk manner. So principally Ms mathematical library, and his brother9! colleébon, fhotild have reverted to me and to this place. For be had already laid fo good a foundation at Jena and Halle, for the fake of the political mathematics, as he called them, that for their tranfport from Halle to Drefden, he (hould have petitioned the king, Auguftus II. for a relay of horfes. In the year 1736, he wrote concerning it in his Lettres à trois Demandes, it may .be ' aflèz riche,* and * je poffede une bibliothèque fort complete de cette forte de livres.* This library was, after his deceafe, legally valued at 1700 rix-dollars. It .was, however, after a twenty yean law-fuit, for I muft wade through all poffible difficulties up to the refafed reviûon, confirmed to me on oath ; and I declare, that in fuch library, rated at 1700 rix-dollars, a library of 6000 rix-dollars value was contained, which Glafer, for fuch value, had taken, &c. The hiftory of fuch a private . library muft here occafionally by me be. made more known, is a warning for eveiy one icon fimilar occafions.
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