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Heroines of the Crusades
page 450
cure of a young man who had some of the dust of the Holy City suspended in a bag over his bed.—Mill's Crusades, p. 14.
" Pilgrim and PalmerP—On his return, he placed the branch of the sacred palm tree, which he had brought from Jerusalem, over the altar of his church, in proof of the ac-complishment of his vow ; religious thanksgivings were offered up ; rustic festivity saluted and honored him, and he was revered for his piety and successful labors.—Mill's Crusades, p. 14.
" Joined the Archbishop."—The clergy of Germany had proclaimed their intention of visiting Jerusalem ; and In-gulphus, a native and historian of England, was one of a Norman troop which joined them at Hayence. The total number of pilgrims was seven thousand, and among the leaders are the names respectable for rank of the Arch-bishop of Mayence and the Bishops of Bamberg, Batisbon, and Utrecht. Their march down Europe, and through the Greek Empire, was peaceable and unmolested ; but when they entered the territory of the infidels, they fell into the hands of the Arab robbers, and it was not without great losses of money and lives that the band reached Jerusa-lem.—History of Crusades, p. 17.
" The Gog and Magog of sacred writ''—Magyar is the national and oriental denomination of the Hungarians ; but, among the tribes of Scythia, they are distinguished by the Greeks under the proper and peculiar name of Turks, as the descendants of that mighty people who had con-quered and reigned from China to the Yolga.—Gibbon's Pome, vol. 5, p. 411.
NOTE Y.—PAGE 50. "Battle Abbey."—William laid the foundation of the
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