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Heroines of the Crusades
page 419
were named, a strange and unheard-of proceeding ; but of these some defended Corradino, a^tid the rest remained silent. One alone, found him guilty, and began to read his sentence upon the scaffold. But outraged nature as-serted her rights, d'Anjou's own son-in-law leaped upon the scaffold and slew the inhuman judge with one stroke of his sword, exclaiming, ' 'Tis not for a wretch like thee to con-demn to death so noble and gentle a lord.' But the execu-tion proceeded. I stood among the spectators a shaven priest, Iwnoring the decrees of the church ! I heard the piteous exclamation of the hapless youth, ' Oh my mother,, what sad news will bring thee of thy son.' His eye caught mine, he slipped a ring from his finger, and threw it into the crowd. I seized the precious jewel, and renewed my vow of vengeance.. The faithful Frederic of Austria stood by his side, and was the first to receive the fatal stroke. Corradino caught the bleeding head, as it fell, pressed his own npon the quivering lips, and perished like his friend. 'Lovely and pleasant in their lives, in death they were not divided.' "
Tears for a moment quenched the fire in the old man's eyes, and Eleanora wept in sympathy. " And Enzio—?" 6he said, mourn fully.
" Enzio yet languished in prison, the delicate boy, the idol of his imperial father. I found my way to Bologna, gold bribed his guard. An empty wine-cask was at hand, I enclosed him therein, and brought him safely to the gates. A single lock of hair betrayed my secret. ' Ha !' exclaimed the sentinel, ' 'tis only King Enzio has such beautiful fair hair.' I escaped with difficulty, but the boy was slain."
" Lives there not one of all the princely house ?" inquired the queen.
" Frederic the Bitten lives, the deadly enemy of his father, and the daughter of Manfred is the wife of the Prince of Arragon. To her I cany the ring. A Saracen servant of the emperor ascribes to it magic virtues. It-Bhall be the talisman to bind Europe in a league against the infamous d'Anjon."
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