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Heroines of the Crusades
page 65
me, seized and confined me in one of his fortresses. When Normandy was invaded, he released me from my imprison-ment, and I did him good service in compelling William to raise the siege of Rouen. In the treaty to which thou didst persuade Robert, I was the principal sufl'erer, and therefore"—added he with warmth, " did I deem that the guileful duke, had stolen into the sanctuary of my sister's affections, and robbed me of thy love, my choicest treasure."
"My much-injured brother," said the countess, affection-ately, "I knew not that thy interest was involved, else I had given far different counsel. But proceed with the story of thy wrongs."
" My traitor brothers united like Pilate and Herod of old," proceeded Henry, with increasing asperity, " seized my castles in Cotentén, and dogged my steps like sleuth-hounds on the track, till I took refuge in Mt. St. Michael, \ where the friendly tides kept them at bay ; and there I had perished with thirst, had not Robert's tardy compassion ministered to my necessity, and finally effected my release. Since then, I have wandered a fugitive and an outcast, craving scant hospitality of my brother's vassals, and solac-ing my weary hours with clerkly studies."
" Courage, my good brother," said Adelä, with enthusi-asm. "Thou shalt wander no more. Count Stephen will put thee in the way to mend thy fortunes ; and, perchance, thou wilt one day inherit the proud fiefs of both thy brothers. See ! yonder gleams the spires of Blois. But what knightly train proceeds up the broad avenue of the castle. Listen ! The warder sounds his bugle blast, and the drawbridge is lowered. Put thy horse to his met-tle ; these laggards may follow at their leisure." So say-ing the countess and her brother dashed forward, and en-tered the court-yard just as the retinue of the Duke of Nor-mandy wound up the staircase, leading to the great hall.
At sight of Robert, Henry's eye flashed, and with an in-dignant gesture he turned to depart, but Adela, with a determined air, laid her hand upon his arm. "Remain," said she, " that portcullis bars all egress from the castle,
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