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Heroines of the Crusades
page 45
pasture, and bridled with the scourge that he wore about his loins. 'Cheer up, holy father,' said he, '.heaven has scmt thee help in time of trouble. I will walk by thy side, and we will soon prove to yonder heartless drones that the last 6hall be first.' In reply to my remonstrance, lie added, with a misbelieving smile, ' Nay, is it not written, " The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just," yon savage Mag3Tar may rejoice in the happy chance which enables him to send a substitute to the holy city.'
" Upon my positive refusal to mount, he stood for a mo-ment irresolute, and then, with a smile, 'twixt jest and earnest, fell upon one knee before me, saying, ' Gra'inercy, good monk, I would crave thy blessing and absolution for this sin ere we part, for since thou wilt not accept the bounty of heaven, I must e'en take it myself.' Observing my hes-itation, he rose hastily, saying, ' It boots not, 'tis but a few lashes more, and my shoulders are well able to bear them. Adieu, holy father, I grieve that thy conscience stands in the way of thy advancement,' and springing upon the res-tive beast, he was away with the swiftness of the wind."
" Nay, methinks I should have been less scrupulous," said William, laughing. " The fellow's dexterity merited ab-solution."
Ingulfus resumed, " Sick and alone, and much cast down in spirit, I stretched myself upon the grass, and looked only for death, but He who suffers not even a sparrow to fall without his notice, had compassion upon me, and sent a good Samaritan to my relief. Korshah, the noble Magyar, returning from the chase, came where I was, and seeing my low estate, gave his servants charge concerning me, to con-vey me to his own castle, where I tarried for above the Space of a month, till my bruised feet were healed, and my broken health restored."
• " It was a deed of Christian charity. I would fain learn something of this strange people," said Adela; "do they observe the rites of our church
"At the beginning of the present century," replied In-gulfus, "St. Stephen, the Alfred of his nation, divided the
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