IT is hoped that the reader will excuse a few slight variations in some of the proper names, which have escaped detection: thus, Alfred is found for Alfrid, Ceadwalla for Cadwalla, &c. In the former volume, p. 20, 1. 13, Stevenson has been inadvertently printed for Stapleton. Besides the editions named in the former volume, it has been observed to the editor that several others have been named by Bibliographers. Of these, however, none, save the editio princeps, Eggerstein sive anno aut loco [Strasbourg], are of the slightest importance, and the principal reason for prefixing such a list was to show how much attention had been paid to Bede on the Continent, before his works were even in part printed in the country which he adorned by his talents. The collations of ten or twelve MSS. will be given at a future period. J. A. G.
William Sttreuë, PrinUr, Bell Yard, Temple Bar.